Kindness Rock Challenge

Hello Families,

In January we like to promote kindness on our campus and one way to do so is by creating
a “Kindness Rocks Challenge.” The goal of the challenge is to instill kindness in our
students until it becomes a habit. Kindness Rocks are small rocks with fun, inspirational
pictures, or positive messages. Please encourage your students to participate in this
meaningful activity at home and bring a decorated rock back to campus by the due date.

Here’s how you can create Kindness Rocks with your student. You’ll need the following
● Palm-sized, smooth rocks
● Acrylic paint and thin brushes
● Paint pens or permanent marker (optional)
● On the backside, please add your name/classroom Number
● Paint your rock (optional)
● On top write your own kindness message and/or design a kindness message.

Please return the “Kindness Rock” by 1/25/24 to the front office. Kindness rocks will be
displayed and voted by peers and winners will be selected on 1/26/24. Winners will receive
prizes. Have Fun!!

Notice: On Tuesday, 1/23/24 at, 12:45-1:15 pm (Minimum day), Tk-3rd are welcome to
attend our Kindness Rock Challenge Activity, where 1 rock per scholar will be provided
along with materials. Location: Front Office- look for Kindness Table.
(Parents must be present to participate in the activity, limited rocks are available)